Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019
How much air do we breathe?
Right, just the amount we need.
When we fill up our gas tanks, we fill it up but not beyond. One would think, at the dinner table or when we look in our closets (or any other room filled to excess), why do we have more than enough? Why can’t enough just be enough?
If we filled our gas tank every day with more fuel than we’ve burned, they would call that an over-fill, when wasted fuel spills on the ground.
But when we put more food in our body, where does it go?
Belly, butt, face, hands, feet – but mostly belly and butt.
Have you eaten today?
Was it fun, are you full?
Filled. Full up. Stuffed.
Couldn’t eat another bite … .
We’ve all done this – too many times.
Beyond ‘biting off more than we can chew’ in the metaphorical sense, it is eating more than our body could possibly use by the next meal, more calories than we burn in a day, or two, or more.
I Googled ‘eating too much’; within 0.72 seconds, it indicated ‘about 366,000,000 results’. Really? I would think, if they can tally that up in 0.72 seconds, couldn’t they take just a wee bit longer and come up with an exact number?
Seriously, one of the biggest industries (food, fast food, food delivery, packaged food, processed food, diet books, diet services, gyms, exercise and fitness vendors … etc.) is about keeping us alive and preserved with chemicals until we run out of money – and then this shite will kill us.
And every part of getting fat, getting thin, getting fat again, getting thin again – requires a new wardrobe, so we burn gas to drive to the mall. Shopping centers could be better organized for this: bank, restaurant, gym, grocery store, gym and beach attire, and gas pumps – we could just pull in, hand our keys to an attendant and say: FILL ER UP.
Reader feedback:
Excellent subject today! Our mission statement in our company, and my personal mission statement, is to "make people happy" by which I mean our customers, our staff, our shareholders, and various stakeholders in our business, CL, Banff, AB