Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019
Do you have some collisions going on – where ideas and opportunities collide?
If not, maybe getting out into traffic more would be helpful. Step into that intersection, and get ready for the wallop of the collision that is about to hit.
No, my car was not in a crash. Nevertheless, this is as dramatic as if that did happen.
So far, it would appear this a positive, happy, healthy, and helping collision.
Alternatively, this could be insanity.
I am talking about that moment of collision when a great idea intersects with perfect timing.
Who does not want a collision like that?
How do we find that, how do we make that, and does this excellent idea from last month, last year or last decade fit today?
Maybe it is merely an accident of timing, or does this idea need to be tweaked?
I will be sharing more of this with my readers in coming weeks – some of it is business strategy, some of it is a writing project; so far it is consuming quite a bit of time and energy and only a trickle of revenue, but you take a trickle here and a trickle there and pretty soon you’ve to a steady tickle with ambitions to be a river.
While experiencing this re-energizing, perhaps replenishment of creative juices, I have had an awakening – a gratifying experience. Of coming to value some oft unappreciated values, and some underappreciated people, I am growing better and healthier for it, so it is worth paying attention.
Reader feedback:
Are you theorizing that emotions could defeat physics? lol, AG, Cancun, Mex.