Monday Sept. 11, 2017
‘What if’ questions abound.
On this date, like few others, everyone changed their viewpoint if not their entire path because of one event, one day, not long ago and not far away …
If we are afraid, risk-averse, we see two things.
We see glimmer of light, and darkness – empty, hollow, devoid of joy.
We have two kinds of problems with expectations also; first, grieving the loss of our expectations and; secondly, mind-games we play with ourselves about how things might have worked out – second guessing that other life that never was because we chose a different path or someone or some forces conspired to take us off that other path. Still, ‘what if?’ questions persists.
What directional changes occurred, put us here, on this path? This one. There is value in grief, but not much. There is value in regret, but not much. There is value is second-guessing, but not much.
We have large windshields and small rear-view mirrors in our cars. That’s a great proportion and fabulous metaphor – because we have so much ahead of us we can see, can be on the lookout for, whereas what is behind us is at best a reference point we should distance ourselves from and at worst an anchor that holds us back and keeps us afraid in the dark.
Looking forward, any glimmer of light is worth exploring – might presage awakening, new dawn or massive explosion of brilliance. Whether we want to see the world, see inside ourselves or simply get a better look at that cute girl with freckles and funny socks – with a glimmer, that is how we start …
Reader feedback:
"A different me"...yes, the evolution of me is called life. Start with the fact that you are perfect just as you are right now. Go forward supporting your evolution with optimism, positive choices, creativity, self-confidence. Life is what YOU design by your actions. Generously act with the authority to be your best self, JF, Calgary, AB
I like that Mark, because I spend a lot of time these days imagining just how incredible this nation could be for all of its citizens if we had leadership at the Municipal, Provincial and Federal levels with big dreams, grand visions and clear strategies. Imagine that! In the meantime, for many, many years I have started every day by getting up, looking into the mirror and saying, in a loud clear voice "Good Morning you handsome SOB, this is going to be a fantastic day." It might be my imagination, but having said it so many times, I really think I've started to believe it!! Can't grow hair though, sorry about that!, GB, Calgary, AB