Tuesday July 9, 2013
Attitude and awareness, realizing – in belief we can know with any certainty at all if our instincts, reactions and beliefs are valid.
Real, or just what we think is real?
Not your cuppa?
Would you want me to be anything other than me?
Should you be anyone other than thee?
Moving fast or slow, looking high or low, this is that what we wanted, is it not?
Perception is belief that something, or someone, is something.
That might be about physical characteristics or ‘properties’ of some kind or type, but whether it is substance, activity or people – we get to choose – is some thing, that activity or this person good or bad for us, right or wrong for us.
Eyes play tricks – as do people. We can easily gain a distorted perception with our won trickery regardless of the moves or motives of someone else.
Still, our stage is always there – ready for us to perform, set up for success, set for opportunity.
As observers there is no need to leap on stage or to stay watching from any seat in the house. Life is not lived in a theatre. Life very often is theatre.
Why do we participate?
Because we want to trust, need to be fairly and properly treated, ache for things and people to be real, true and need to count on them to be real, to be what we want and we count on ourselves to realistically assess, predict and choose . . .
We have to be prepared for whatever happens next.
We have to be prepared to be wrong.
We need to be prepared to be right.
Is that what we want really?
Mark Kolke
column written/ published from Calgary
morning walk: 10C / 50F, the sky is a blue as I’ve ever seen, early sun on my back as lovely as I’ve ever felt, air is fresh as post-rainy-days can ever make it, Gusta galloping with my rotator cuff in tow . . .
Comments Received:
I have studied this very topic most of my adult life. Psyche seems to be at the core. It is either some deficit in one's psyche or some monumental positive push to do better than, be better than. If you look at the childhoods of the great ones they seem to have been born into a deficit (some, maybe not all) that drives them to make up for their humble beginnings. A lot of actors becomes actors so they can play characters other than themselves. A lot of artists expand their creative talents in an effort to be recognized for something that the world thinks enviable. It is very similar to the same question I have regarding serial killers and mass murderers. Why do some people from abusive childhood experiences grow up to take revenge on the world while others with more traumatic experiences grow up to help those who find themselves in a similar situation. It is just one of the many things that make my mind go 'hmmn'. GW, Brady, Tx.
Hi Mark, I found you through Louise a fellow blogger friend of mine.. I have found that the best sites that I end up following are ones that I find through the backdoor, through other people's blogs... I am not sure that I ever have really taken the time to tell you just how much I love yours. I loved your Toastmaster video. I've only taken the time to read rather than watch. So glad I took the time today!. Guess I am in the place of re-inventing me. Smack in the middle of a midlife crisis. (Eeeewww that sounds sooo contrived... nonetheless...) Guess that is why I gravitate to the hope givers such as you! Thanks for being out there! I watched your video twice! I signed up for your musings... I didn't see a place to comment so I just had to take the time to thank you for your messages. Have a great day!, DR, Paso Robles, CA
:) I had just a brief moment to read your column and I wanted you to know I have read it. I only have access to internet here in the office and I'm usually busy. In close quarters I have two superiors and 3 departments to keep happy. I have miss you of course; you insight is always refreshing and very helpful, AG, Playa del Carmen, Mex